About WOLF

This blog is for those suffering from living in a marriage with a spouse who is self-absorbed. Ranging from mere selfishness to the personality disorder of Narcissism, society is replete with this characteristic. A marriage suffering from self-absorption is filled with confusion, unmet needs, loneliness, questions, and resentment. For the Christian committed to a covenant marriage, this is acutely painful as he or she begins to feel trapped in his or her own vows. The reality is there are faithful followers of Christ who are married to people who wear the mask of Christianity because it makes them look good, while their motives are self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Biblical prinicples and truths still apply, but the spouse of a Narcissist has these truths bashed over their head. There is hope, because Jesus also provided insight into dealing with Pharisees who bashed "truths" over other's heads.

Monday, June 28, 2010

What Your Words Reveal About Your Heart

Our words, actions, and reactions are a gateway to reveal what is going on in our heart. Even when our intentions are innocent,someone may misinterpreted our them and our reaction to that situation reveals our heart. Being falsely accused is never an easy thing. Wolves are masters at manipulating situations and projecting their "issues" onto you. And, if you take the bait...beware. You don't need to take the bait. You have someone who already knows your heart, even better than you yourself. But God promises us that when we are innocent He will make it known. We do not need to defend ourselves. He defends His work and if He is working in your, He will defend His work. Psalms 37:6 says "He will make your innocence radiate like dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noon day sun."

A heart that is open and willing to change is willing to reflect on their actions and reactions. It is also willing to take responsibility for their action. A closed heart is one that jumps to conclusions. It quickly blames. It isn't willing to take responsibility for any of its actions or reactions. The open heart doesn't spend their time talking about the wrongs committed by the other, rather they are looking at what they may have said or done to contribute to the situation. They are looking at what can I do to change this pattern of interaction with this person. A person who is stuck in their issues will say it is the other persons fault. They will profess if the other person wouldn't have done x, they wouldn't have had to do y.

Being falsely accused is never easy. Having your motives called into questions is never easy. Especially if you meant no harm or were innocent. If your security is in Christ and who He created you to be; and if your trust is in Christ and the work He is accomplishing in you then you have no need to fear. It may be best for you to be silent. Remember it is God who defends His work. He really doesn't need your help. It reminds me of Christ, when he was being questions by the Pharisees before his crucifixion. He was being falsely accused and his response was silence!

And when you have a Wolf in your life, you will be falsely accused. Your motives will be questions. Wolves don't like taking responsibility for their actions. In fact, they "project" their issues on to you. For them it is imperative that they come out looking "good". God even covered this one for your, in Matthew 10:16 tells us that when we are amidst wolves we are to be as gentle as a dove and as cunning as a snake.

Relationships reveal alot about our hearts. They are a perfect place for us to reflect. They are a perfect place for God to reveal where our hearts need mending. So, the next time you encounter a relational "issue", stop and take a moment with the Lord. Ask Him what He has to teach YOU in this moment, not what He has to teach the other person. It is about you and His work in you! The minute you make it about them...your heart has been revealed and you might just find your own Wolf lurking inside of you.

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