About WOLF

This blog is for those suffering from living in a marriage with a spouse who is self-absorbed. Ranging from mere selfishness to the personality disorder of Narcissism, society is replete with this characteristic. A marriage suffering from self-absorption is filled with confusion, unmet needs, loneliness, questions, and resentment. For the Christian committed to a covenant marriage, this is acutely painful as he or she begins to feel trapped in his or her own vows. The reality is there are faithful followers of Christ who are married to people who wear the mask of Christianity because it makes them look good, while their motives are self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Biblical prinicples and truths still apply, but the spouse of a Narcissist has these truths bashed over their head. There is hope, because Jesus also provided insight into dealing with Pharisees who bashed "truths" over other's heads.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Real Housewives of the Bible Reunion

Wow, I wonder what Andy would say about the Real Housewives of the Bible. Seriously, I can't imagine that any other housewife show could live up to the drama of the Bible housewives of season one. I wonder who he would give the Mazel Award to? My vote would be for either Mary or Queen Esther, however something just isn't fitting in the way he has given it in the past. So based on that, I would probably give the Mazel award to Eve for eating the apple. The Jakehole award would be easy...Jezebel.

Let's recap. First we had Queen Jezebel, who had no problem getting rid of anyone who crossed her path, and I mean literally get rid of via stoning and or any other means at her disposal. However, she didn't realize that God always has the LAST say! So needless to say, if we were having a reunion show Queen Jezebel wouldn't be here cause she died during Season I!

Next, we had Queen Esther. She was the opposite of Queen Jezebel. Esther had the heart of a servant and risked her life to save the lives of her people. And, once again God had the LAST say! I imagine she would enter the stage with grace we beyond our imagination. I also imagine her beauty would take our breath away momentarily. Her words would be well thought out and filled with wisdom. Andy may try and stump her, try to get her to say something selfish, but in the end he would realize her grace is authentic.

Next we encountered Eve, one bite, opened the door to all humankind's selfish nature, which opened the door for all the Housewives of Anywhere to have reality televisions shows showing off their selfish ways. I would wonder what she would wear on the reunion show...leaves? Would they be spring leaves of green or fall colors of orange and yellow and rust? I cannot even begin to imagine the questions Andy would ask about her eating the apple episode.

Naomi's sorrow of loosing her husband and two sons lead her to a new understanding of the selflessness and faithfulness of her daughter-in-law Ruth. I imagine Any would have questions about Naomi's grieving. He would also want to know about the night that Ruth slept at Boaz feet and what that was like.

Rachel and Leah were the two sisters who shared the same husband, at the same time (sounds like a spin off television show). They competed for Jacob's time and attention and in the process created a legacy of competition between their sons that lead to devastation. Rachel and Leah stayed at odds for their who life, so I am sure Andy would find most of his drama here. Thank goodness they were part of Season I, because someone has to walk off the set or it just wouldn't be a reunion show.

And last, but not least is Mary. She is the housewife who opened her heart and said yes to God bringing to us his redemption from selfishness in the birth of Jesus. All these housewives stories reveal to us that we need something bigger than ourselves. When we operate our lives by what is best for "me", it is rarely best for the other.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Real Housewives of the Bible: Gossip, "Did you hear about Mary, we need to pray for her"

As we come to a close of Season I of The Real Housewives of the Bible it is time for us to meet our last housewife of the Bible...Mary. Mary's life as a housewife is filled with twists and turns. She was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter in Nazareth. She got pregnant before the wedding. A shocking turn of events in her small town. And, the story Mary was telling about how she got pregnant was even more shocking. She was claiming that her child to be was the future Messiah. Perfect gossip for the other housewives in Nazareth. I imagine the women talked at the market, "Did you hear about Mary? Did you hear she is pregnant? Did you hear she is claiming that she is carrying to Messiah? Seriously, that girl is delusional? Who does she think she is to make such a claim." Can you imagine what Mary must have gone through as the rumors spread? I am sure people stared and made snide comments behind her back.

Gossip! Sadly, we probably all can think of a time, or many times in our life where we too have been guilty of gossip. What is it that causes us to so want to talk about others? Do we think it makes us look better? Do we somehow feel in the know when we have the juicy news on others and get to share it first? Do we use it to try to build alliances with others? Do we ever think about what it might do to the one we are spreading the rumors about? It is even worse when we spiritualize and say, "We need to pray for Mary, she is pregnant and thinks she is having God's son." There are a variety of self-motivating reasons behind gossip, but they are ALL is nothing short of total self-absorption. Gossip has nothing to do with serving or loving the person who we are spreading the rumors about. Gossip says something about us when we spread it and it says something about the condition of our heart.

A more selfless response to when we hear gossip is to come along side the person who is going through the trial. We can do this close up or from a distance. I wonder if anyone in Nazareth came along side of Mary and befriended her. Did they ask, "Are you okay? Are you scared? Do you feel alone? Do you need anything? How can I help?" Later, Elizabeth came along side Mary and supported her, encouraged her, and believed her! I wonder if she was worried when Joseph didn't believe her story. Can you imagine the relief she must have felt when he also heard from an angel?

Often when God reveals His plan to us, the initial news is exciting! But, the journey that follows the directive is usually not easy. I wonder if Mary was surprised at the turn of events. Did she wonder why in her last month of pregnancy she had to travel a great distance? Was she surprised that Jesus was born in a stable? Did she wonder why God hadn't reserved a room? Did she have fear the night she and Joseph fled to Egypt to avoid King Herod? Mary had to walk with alot of trust. Her life path was set out for her before she was ever married and she walked it with grace! She was there when the Messiah was born. She was their when the Messiah died. And she was there when the Messiah rose. Each step of the way she focused on what God had called her to do and considered it an honor! When we focus on what God is doing in us and through us, it leads us to focus on others in a new and selfless way! Mary was a housewife who knew how to be a selfless person by trusting her God!

Join us next time as we have a wrap up of Season I of the Real Housewives of the Bible.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Real Housewives of the Bible: Lack of Contentment Can Lead to Self-Absorption

Two women...Rachel and Leah. One man...Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel more, but she was unable to bear and children. Leah produced one son after another. Each wife wanted what the other wife had. Leah wanted Jacob's love. Rachel wanted Jacob's son.

Remember, Rachel was Jacob's first love, his first choice. He worked seven years to marry her, and then an additional seven years after Rachel's father deceived him into marrying Leah. Rachel had beauty that most women could only hope for. Yet it wasn't enough. She wasn't content! She wanted more!

Leah on the other hand produced one son after another, which was a great triumph in Old Testament times. Her fertility obviously brought Jacob to her bed many nights. She taunted Rachel with her favor!

Neither housewife was content with their situation. They wanted things to be different. I wonder what would have happen if Rachel had just relaxed! If she had just enjoyed the relationship she had with Jacob and been grateful for her gift of great beauty. I wonder what would have happen if Leah had been humble and not taunted Leah. What kind of a relationship might Leah and Rachel had? What kind of influence might they have had on their sons?

Sadly, competition, deception, and pride became a family legacy. When Rachel finally did bear a son named Joseph, Leah's sons became very jealous of the attention and favor he received from his father and had him sold into slavery. They told Jacob that his son Joseph had died.

When we loose sight of being content, it brings out selfish behavior. We start focusing on me, me, me and loose sight of others. Well actually we don't loose sight of others, we focus on what others have that we don't have. But, God calls us an unconditional love in 1st Corinthians 13. Unselfish love cares more for others than self. Unselfish love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Unselfish love isnt's always me first. Unselfish love doesn't revel when others grovel...Rather it looks for the best and trusts God always.

Where in your life aren't you content? What kind of selfishness is rising to the surface. Step back and ask God to see what is best in your life and trust Him!

Stay tuned in...we have one last episode in this first season of Real Housewives of the Bible, Mary the mother of Jesus.