About WOLF

This blog is for those suffering from living in a marriage with a spouse who is self-absorbed. Ranging from mere selfishness to the personality disorder of Narcissism, society is replete with this characteristic. A marriage suffering from self-absorption is filled with confusion, unmet needs, loneliness, questions, and resentment. For the Christian committed to a covenant marriage, this is acutely painful as he or she begins to feel trapped in his or her own vows. The reality is there are faithful followers of Christ who are married to people who wear the mask of Christianity because it makes them look good, while their motives are self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Biblical prinicples and truths still apply, but the spouse of a Narcissist has these truths bashed over their head. There is hope, because Jesus also provided insight into dealing with Pharisees who bashed "truths" over other's heads.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When A Wolf Is Your Thorn In The Flesh

I have been pondering Paul's thorn in his flesh recently. The metaphor sounds very painful, if you have ever had a sliver for any amount of time, you know how irritating and painful it can be. The metaphor raises alot of interesting considerations, especially relevant for self-absorbed marriages.

My first thought revolved around questions of "what is my thorn?" Certainly if you are married to a Wolf, your thorn in your flesh is probably your spouse. For other's it may be their fiances, for other's it may be a physical condition, and for other's it may be an addiction. Identifying your thorn in your flesh is an important first step. What is it that you are consumed with? What causes you the most pain?

It is in this pain that we can become consumed with self-absorption and focus on the pain. In the pain we question God. Why me? We plead for relief or rescue. We may even feel like our thorn is unjust. It serves as a constant reminder that our life is hard!

That is right where God's grace starts! In our pain, we turn to HIM! Once we are through with our pleading and begging for relief, His answer is "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Think about what keeps you humble. I know when I get past my whining stage of yet again when my thorn has been irritating me, I am reminded that I am completely and utterly dependent on God! Amidst all the "praise" I may receive from others, God reminds me that he is Sovereign! I am nothing without Him and what who He has created me to be.

When our thorn is a Wolf, sometimes it seems like the answer is to get rid of the Wolf. But, that is not always the answer. What if the Wolf is God's vehicle your transformation? What if God is using the Wolf to draw you closer to Him? Do you want to miss out? Let me take a moment of caution here: IF YOU ARE IN A PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT STAYING WITH THAT KIND OF WOLF! You need to seek out the wisdom of a shelter that works with domestic violence as soon as possible! When you are in a physically abusive relationship, your Wolf is your distorted thoughts of why you staying!!!

The other amazing gift of a thorn in your flesh is humility! When you are succeeding in life because of "your" efforts, you are getting praise and glory. When you are succeeding in life amidst your thorn, God gets the glory, because you know it would have been impossible without Him!

Look to God's grace today whenever your thorn irritates you and remember He is at work in you. His grace is sufficient!

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